Friday, May 3, 2013

The saying "Things are better left unsaid" is bull shit - now my unsaid things are leaking out!

To whom it may concern: (i.e. family, friends, acquaintances)
Yes I do realize that I am 38 - is there a rule that I can't have pink streaks in my hair past a certain age? I certainly thought that by this age, I wouldn't have to worry as much about parental approval for whatever I was doing. I thought I would just be accepted for who I was.

Please don't pat my stomach pooch and say "Someone has a little tummy" when
a) you weigh more than me
b) I have lost quite a bit and don't want or plan on losing another pound
c) I have 3 freaking kids! I am supposed to have a little pooch. I look at it as my little kangaroo pouch - it will never be flat but it will never be unloved. Two of my kids rub and jiggle and nuzzle my poochy belly whenever they feel bad, are sleepy or just want comfort in general.

I know you do not like seams, I understand that you have sensitivities to certain things in clothes. This is NOT an excuse to take 20 minutes to put on socks - i already buy you the most seamless ones I can find.

I love you more than words can say but if I hear "Watch me, Mommy" one more time today - my brain will explode. One can only watch someone try to stand on their head so many times in one day!

You are adorable. You are sweet and loving. I adore you. Please stop kicking me when changing your clothes, pinching when you don't get your way, and wrapping gum around your head. I really want you to make it to three!

Hiding things from me is the worst thing you can do. It causes me to doubt you, to doubt everything, to be suspicious. I deserve a little more credit for my reactions to things. My reaction to whatever will be way better that my reaction to you hiding something. 

If I have pissed you off - tell me. If I am frustrating the hell out of you - tell me.  Pissy looks, not speaking, etc. doesn't do either of us any good. You don't feel any better, I don't understand what is bothering you so much. If it has nothing to do with me - great - TELL ME (see the common theme here?)

I value our friendship. Please understand that your kids are older - they don't mind you not being around. Mine are young - they like for me to be home for bedtime and quite frankly I like being there for bedtime. If I seem hesitant to do stuff in the evenings it's not that I don't want to go out and do stuff. It's that I am torn between the two. Don't make it worse.

If you ask me for advice, I will gladly do what I can. If you don't want advice, I will do what I can. If you want advice about the same thing over&over&over&over&over again - I give up because it's obvious you didn't really want or use the advice the first 12 times so I know you aren't going to this time either.

I am finally reaching the point in my life where I am busy enough to want to let go of things that hold me down. I tend to be loyal to a fault. Even when I have been wronged, walked on, ignored - I have remained loyal. I don't have time for that anymore. If I have supported you and cared about you through whatever and do not feel like I am receiving that support and care from you then you need to think of me as an underwire bra. One second it's supportive and holding you up but if it's not taken care of - SNAP - you will be left hanging.

On a lighter note - some of these may not be recent thoughts but I am in the mood to do some spring cleaning and it is easier to clean out my brain than to clean out my house!!

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