Friday, December 9, 2011

It get's old...

Most of the time I don't really care what other people think. Most of the time. Then every once in a while a week happens where I am sensitive to everything that I pick up from other people. This is one of those weeks. If one more person makes me feel like I can't do anything right, I am going to I know that some of it comes from dealing with sick kidlets for 3 weeks, being tired, other life stresses but I am going to blow soon.
Crappy looks :
because I came into a room and talked when someone was watching t.v.,
because I tried to start conversations when I guess the other person doesn't want to converse (I spend a great deal of time during the day only talking to people under 5 feet tall, I need other conversation!)
Comments like:
Why are you going this way (because I am the one who is driving damn it - you want to go that way, you drive)

You spoil your baby, he wants to be held all the time (guess what? MY baby, I don't think you CAN spoil a baby, none of YOUR fucking business)

I have heard others tell me how I Need to do this, Need not to do that, Should do it this way, Why do you do it that way, You need to get some time to yourself (then watch my kids and I will), etc, etc.

No my house is not as clean as I want it, no I don't cook the way I want to sometimes, no I am not doing it the way you think is best!

I do talk to much, I am opinionated, I have a bad habit of reading news online and wanting to share it with people just to have a conversation.

I feel things very deeply and people who are cold and seemingly uncaring to the world piss me off sometimes. I feel it is either an act so people won't realize just how insecure you are or you really are that dead inside and need to wake the hell up
I am a Libra - I crave balance and try to keep things even/happy/calm. But some people have tipped my scales! Those of you who criticize are not perfect but I don't usually point out your flaws. I may prepare an awesome speech in my head about such flaws (usually when you are pointing out mine) but I don't share them.

I cannot promise that this will be the case from now on - I think I need to give advice/constructive criticism/crappy comments back to those who are a little too happy to talk down but be warned, when i give it back - it's coming back twice as hard. Very few have seen how truly bitchy I can be - the bitch in my brain has been working out and may be ready for her close up!

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